Support and FAQs
Thank you. Let’s get you started!
Thank you for purchasing your new Soundwise Aria Hearing Aids! Please review all of the videos, and FAQs before contacting support as this is the fastest way to get them working the best for you so that you can start hearing better.
Please go through all of our FAQs below, and if those don’t answer your questions, feel free to email Barb at: [email protected].
Returns & Refunds: Send your return to: Soundwise Returns, 1990 Depew St. #140690, Edgewater, CO 80214. When we receive your package, we’ll refund your charge. Please include the name it was purchased under and any other information we may need to find your order in the system so that we can refund it. Note that calling your bank and disputing a charge takes 6-8 weeks at least, where as calling us for a refund takes a day! Our customer service number is: 1-800-599-3104 please feel free to call us before hand and we’ll issue your refund over the phone (note it takes a few days to show back up in your account.)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: What do I do if I have a whistling, screeching or feedback sound in my Soundwise Hearing Aid?
A: First, try these steps:
- Try turning the volume of your hearing aid down some. This often fixes the issue.
- If there is a gap between the dome and your ear canal, squealing or whistling can occur. To fix this, you must make sure their are no gaps – try larger domes and pushing the hearing aid, gently, deeper into your ear (but not if there is any pain!)
- Also, try using a dome that is “closed” – that has a little “tip” on the end and looks like a bell.
- Possibly the dome you have is not fully clipped on to your hearing aid. Try removing it and reclipping it to where the dome fully clips around the ridge on the hearing aid.
- Perhaps the dome or end of the hearing aid is plugged with earwax, moisture or debris. Use a dry cloth and the brush tool to clean the dome. Remove the dome and clean the end of the hearing aid. Either replace the wax guard, or remove it and make sure it’s not plugged by sticking the end of a paperclip through the hole, then replace the guard.
- If an object such as a hand, a person, or a wall is too close to your ear and the hearing aid, this can cause the whistling sound. Make sure there is at least 18” between your ear and any other object.
- Finally, in rare cases, the domes we have may not fit tightly in the shape of your ear canal. In this case, you’ll have to return the hearing aids and we’ll refund you.
Q: What do I do if my hearing aids aren’t fitting properly? What if they are falling out of my ear?
A: We have a great video on getting started with your hearing aids here that talks about this. Click here to view it. Next try these steps:
- Try different sizes and shapes of the domes that were included. Most times, one of our other sized domes fixes the problem immediately.
- In rare cases, some people have very small, very large, or non-circular shaped ear canals and none of our domes fit. Please contact us at [email protected] if this is the case.
- In July 2023, we started including extra large (XL) and extra small (XS) domes, be sure to try those!
Q: What if the sound level is too low, too quiet?
A: Take these steps:
- Try turning up the volume of the hearing aid (but don’t turn the dial past its maximum level or it will break). See below for more directions in adjusting the volume.
- The dome may not be properly inserted or fully clipped on > Remove and re-clip the dome.
- The battery may be low or dead > Try recharging the hearing aid for an hour.
- You may not have the hearing aid fully in your ear. Try pulling your earlobe down and back with one hand when you insert the hearing aid. This may allow you to push it further into your ear.
- Perhaps the dome or end of the hearing aid is plugged with earwax, moisture or debris. Use a dry cloth and the brush tool to clean the dome. Remove the dome and clean the end of the hearing aid. Either replace the wax guard, or remove it and make sure it’s not plugged by sticking the end of a paperclip through the hole, then replace the guard.
- It’s possible you have a buildup of earwax in your ear or your hearing has changed. Consult your doctor or hearing professional.
Q: What if there is no sound or amplification from the hearing aids?
A: If there is no sound or amplification from the aids, try these steps:
- Make sure the hearing aid switch is turned to “On.” Then, wait a few seconds for the device to turn on.
- Make sure the battery is charged, by charging the aid for an hour or two.
- Try turning the volume dial higher
- Perhaps the dome or end of the hearing aid is plugged with earwax, moisture or debris. Use a dry cloth and the brush tool to clean the dome. Remove the dome and clean the end of the hearing aid. Either replace the wax guard, or remove it and make sure it’s not plugged by sticking the end of a paperclip through the hole, then replace the guard.
Q: What happens if my hearing aids lose their charge quickly?
A: If the batteries drain too quickly, be sure to turn your devices off when you’re not using them, and allow them to get a full charge every night.
Q: What happens if the charging lights do not come on when I put one or both of my hearing aids in the charger?
A: Try these steps:
- Ensure both end of the cable are attached – one into the charger, one into the outlet adapter, and that the outlet adapter is plugged all the way into the outlet.
- Sometimes, the handle of the hearing aid gets bent between the hearing aid and the charging contacts. Make sure the handle goes down into the deepest part of the slots.
- Occasionally, the charging contacts on the aids are dirty. Clean them with a dry cotton swap or the brush.
Q: How do I install domes onto my Soundwise hearing aid?
A: To clip on a dome, push the end of the hearing aid into the dome as shown on the photo below until the dome slips over the ridge.
Q: How do I adjust the volume of my Soundwise hearing aids?
A: Take these steps, to adjust the volume:
- To adjust the amount of sound, use the screwdriver at the end of the included brush tool. Insert the screwdriver into the hearing aid sound adjustment. Turn right (or clockwise) to raise the volume; turn left (or counter-clockwise) to lower the volume. Please see the image below.
- The dial should adjust easily. If there is resistance, you are likely at the maximum or minimum volume and should not attempt to adjust further or it will break the hearing aid.
Q: I know it’s a basic question, but how do I put the hearing aid into my ear?
A: First, make sure you’re putting the Left hearing aid in your left ear; same for your right ear. There is a small L and R on each hearing aid. Then:
- Hold the hearing aid by the removal thread/clear handle. Gently insert the aid into your ear canal.
- Sometimes you can use one hand to pull your ear lobe down a bit, then use your other hand to insert the hearing aid.
- The hearing aids should never hurt, so don’t push them in your ear canal too far to where it hurts!
- If the hearing aid is too loose, try using a bigger dome that’s included in your kit.
Q: How long does it take to get used to my hearing aid?
A: Great question! This varies for each person, but often it takes a few weeks to get used to them. Here’s a rough guide that could help:
- Any new hearing aid will take some time to get use to – often 2-3 weeks. You may hear sounds that you haven’t heard in years like running water or swishing leaves. This may sound intense at first, but this is normal and will diminish over time. Here’s a plan to help you adjust.
- Week 1: Begin wearing your new hearing aids for 1-2 hours/day while doing chores, watching TV or chatting with others. You may not notice much of a difference in week 1, but progress is happening.
- Week 2: Increase your time wearing your hearing aids to 3-4 hours/day. Try them in an outdoor space. You may realize you can hear new sounds you haven’t heard in years!
- Week 3: Start wearing them 5-6 hours/day and work up to full-days. By now, conversation indoors and outdoors should be much better. You can wear them to work or a restaurant now.
- Congratulations, you’ve made it!
Q: In my kit, there is a card with little white plugs, what are those? What is the little white “plug” on the end of my hearing aid under the dome? How do I change my wax guard?
A: The small, white tip at the end of your hearing aid (under your dome) is a wax guard. This is a removable part that can be cleaned (of earwax) or replaced. To clean or replace it, do the following:
To replace it:
- Remove the dome from the hearing aid (See image A below)
- Use the metal screwdriver at the end of the brush tool to pry the white wax guard off the end of the hearing aid (or your fingernails may work too.)
- Find the other black mini tool along with the card that has the extra wax guards.
- Push either end of the black mini tool into a new wax guard on the card.
- Pull the tool with the attached wax guard out of the card, ensuring that the wax guard is attached to the end of the tool.
- Push the wax guard firmly into the small end of the hearing aid. Remove the tool genly. The new wax guard should remain in place. (See image B below)
- Dispose of the old wax guard. Replace the dome, and you’re ready to use your hearing aid again.
To clean it:
- Remove the dome from the hearing aid.
- Use the metal screwdriver at the end of the brush tool to pry the white wax guard off the end of the hearing aid (or your fingernails may work too.)
- Use the end of a paperclip or similar device. Push the paperclip through the hole in the middle of the wax guard to push out any earwax or debris. Use a dry towel or paper towel to clean the wax guard.
- Then insert the wax guard back into the end of your hearing aid. You can use the black tool that came with your kit to replace it.
Q: How do I clean my hearing aid?
A: Your hearing aid can get dirty, especially with earwax. Do not use water to clean your hearing aid. As they are electronic devices, this can ruin the hearing aid. Instead, use a dry cloth to rub them clean, daily if you can. Also, use the little brush that came with the kit to clean off any ear wax from the end of the device and dome. Also see our Q&A above about cleaning the wax guard.
Q: How do I turn on my hearing aid?
A: After you’ve charged your hearing aid for at least a couple of hours, simply slide the black switch from “Off” to “On” and your hearing aid is ready to go. Please see other Q&A for how to insert the hearing aid, how to find the best sized dome, and how to adjust the volume of your hearing aid.
Q: Are there any other tips or suggestions for using my Soundwise hearing aids?
A: Yes, here are some tips and suggestions:
- Clean your ears every time before using your hearing aids.
- Clean your hearing aids daily with a soft, dry cloth and the small brush that came with your package. Never use water or cleaners.
- Keep them dry: Don’t wear them in the bath/shower or swimming. If they do get wet, dry them with a dry cloth and let them fully dry out before attempting to use them.
- Don’t let them overheat: keep them away from hair dryers, space heaters, direct sun, etc.
- Change the ear domes every 2-3 months.
- You will hear two beeps when your hearing aids need charging
- Turn your hearing aids off when not in use to preserve their battery charge.